The Jazz Singer

Priscilla Derungs is a native of Stuttgart with Congolese roots and has been living in Switzerland for three years. Apart from her love of music she works for a prestigious photo-art gallery in Zurich. Since her childhood, she has been driven by her passion for jazz music. Her distinctive voice is a force to be reckoned with as she engages you with her alluring stage presence.

Find more about Priscilla

  • Cheek to cheek with Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong

  • I was inspired to sing mainly by jazz artists like Ella Fitzgerald, and Etta James. Today, artists from diverse musical genres inspire me like, Beyonce for her confidence, Amy Winehouse for her soul, and Christina Aguilera for the power and vulnerability of her voice.

  • No one had ever pointed out to me that I had a good voice, but I noticed that when I sang along with the songs for myself, I hit the notes and I realized that my voice had potential.

    So I started to take singing lessons but unfortunately the first teacher I had praised me constantly and I realized that I was not making any progress. I was lucky enough to inspire an opera singer because of my voice. To this day she is my trusted singing teacher and coach.

  • The song "BODY" was an inspiring collaboration with Steve, a Kenyan composer and producer. The song, we claim, is Afrobeats influenced by jazz.

    The idea was to write a song where no one can keep still, they just want to dance. The sensuality of the movements to Afrobeat is a magnetic pleasure and a dancing devotion awakens!