Please note that all order inquiries that contain a Pre-Order title will not ship until the product is in stock. Once the product is in stock and ready to ship, it remains under the ownership of the service provider (Muse & Sensia), until the complete payment of the price has been made.

The customer will receive an e-mail informing them that the products are in stock and ready for shipping. Upon receiving full payment of the product, the product will be shipped directly to the customer.

Muse & Sensia reserves the right to withhold the product until payment completion, to reach an equitable agreement with the customer.  

The buying price is to be paid via the payment options provided by the online store.


Customers have a 14 day right of return.

The 14 days start from the moment of taking the product into possession by the customer.

To use the right of return the customer must send an email, stating the clear will and intention to use his/her right of return, to (e-mail: the customer can use this added form to do so.

To be within the set time frame it is sufficient to send in the email before the 14-day time frame expires.


If the customer should use his right of return, the service provider is obliged to reimburse payments received by the customer. Excluding shipping cost.

The service provider has 14 days from the moment of the provider being informed by the customer about their will to use their right of return.


The provider will use the same payment method as the customer used to pay them originally. Unless the customer and service provider agree otherwise.

The provider will hold back the payment until they receive the returned product (s).

The customer must send back the product to the service provider immediately after informing the service provider about using their right of return within the 14 day time period.

The customer is to carry the cost associated with sending back the product.


The customer is liable for all damages, caused by the customer mishandling the product and therefore damaging the goods beyond the state it was received in. If this is the case, payment reimbursement will be revoked.


Excluded from the right of return are goods that are sealed upon shipping and are not eligible for returns due to reasons of hygiene and health after their sealing was removed.


If you are intending to return a product please send it back to address below:

Please include the following information as stated below:

Muse & Sensia

Industriestrasse 3,

CH-8952 Schlieren


Ordered on:

Received on:

Name of the customer:

Address of the customer:


Signature of the customer:

(please send pdf/scan with signature)

I hereby invoke my right to return, therefore, terminating my contract with Muse & Sensia, in regard to the purchase of the following product.


The product pictures do not always match the delivered product. Reasons can be, the pictures may appear lighter or darker on the customers computer screen. The sourced material maybe lighter or darker in tones when produced.

If damaged goods have been sent to the customer upon unboxing, then the service provider is obligated to repair the damaged product (s) or deliver an undamaged replacement.

The customer is required to take a picture immediately upon unboxing to confirm damages.

Damaged goods should be returned to the service provider, unless the customer accepted a buying price reduction.

The right of supplementary performances in case of damaged goods expires after 14 days from the point of receiving the product. The cost of shipping back damaged goods, is covered by the service provider.

The cost of these supplementary performances is to be covered by the service provider. If the service provider is unable to perform these supplementary tasks, the customer has the right to return the product and revoke the contract, or retain the product with the agreed reduced original buying price.


Shipping costs are billed separately and are billed directly to the customer upon ordering the product (s) on the web platform.


The provider delivers to any address as long as it is covered by the shipping companies working together with the service provider. If this should not be the case the customer will be notified.