Charitable Partnerships

At Muse & Sensia, we firmly believe in the guiding principle of benevolence, which is deeply ingrained in our brand identity. Our aim is to attract individuals who share our commitment to social responsibility and caring.

When you make a purchase with us, we offer you the opportunity to select from three reputable charities listed in the checkout cart area. We donate a percentage of the total sale to the charity of your choice, we provide you with a short bio and link to their website for your convenience.

Thank you for choosing Muse & Sensia, where your purchase not only benefits you, but also contributes to a good cause.

We believe actions speak louder than words. You choose and we donate!

rrreefs - Rethinking Rebuilding Regenerating

Our mission is to revive 1 % of coastal coral reefs by 2033 - restoring rich marine biodiversity for healthy oceans and people.

THE rrreef SYSTEM:

Our award-winning current prototype is a modular system of 3D-printed rrreef bricks, made with pure clay, which already increases fish biodiversity and coral growth at our pilot site in San Andrés, Colombia.

Buy Food with Plastic

We are tackling two global problems at the same time: Plastic pollution and extreme poverty.

We initiate events where the local population in Ghana, Nicaragua and India can pay for hot meals with plastic bottles. At the same time, they are made aware of environmental issues such as plastic pollution. 

Our vision is to create a self-functioning cycle in which we process the collected plastic bottles into new products and reintegrate them into the production chainthrough sales.

Doctors Without Borders

We provide independent, impartial medical humanitarian assistance to the people who need it most.

Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) cares for people affected by conflict, disease outbreaks, natural and human-made disasters, and exclusion from health care in more than 70 countries.